Enjoy this exciting vault building game that you can enjoy on the go on your mobile device.
Gain control of your very own vault and turn it into the most prosperous and successful vault out there.
Use the crafting features in order to turn seemingly useless items into potentially game changing tools.
Fallout Shelter is a spectacular vault building game that takes place in the Fallout universe. If you aren’t familiar with the Fallout games, then we definitely recommend giving them a shot as they’re really high quality. However, if you’re familiar with these games or are simply looking for a top notch vault building game that’s unlike others, Fallout Shelter is the perfect choice.
Getting started in Fallout Shelter is really easy because, in spite of the steep learning curve, the game starts off with an extremely in-depth tutorial sequence that’s been designed to give newcomers a thorough explanation of the basics. This tutorial takes place in a step by step manner and it’ll guide you through all the necessary aspects of gameplay. On top of all this, you’ll also be given a whole bunch of resources and workers by the end of the tutorial and this’ll help you kick start your vault.
Fallout Shelter isn’t really a traditional building game (which usually involves building a city) because you aren’t exactly building a city. Instead, you’re building an underground shelter and this is because the wasteland has been infected and no one can survive out there. The only place for humans to now survive is in underground vaults and now it’s up to you to build one of the most prosperous vaults in the land. Fallout Shelter might have a unique setting but it’s worth mentioning that the core gameplay concepts are quite similar to those of a traditional city building game so you’ll be able to do quite well if you’ve had prior experience with these games.
Building up a vault is an extremely fun thing to because you’ll get to control every single thing about it from start to finish. You’ll be in charge of accommodation for your workers (referred to as dwellers in-game), you’ll have to set up power stations, you’ll need to take care of food and, on top of all this, you’ll also need to make sure that there’s clean water for all your citizens.
Once you have the basics of your vault setup, you’ll be able to move onto more advanced features and will be able to set up many great things to set your vault apart from all others. It’s worth mentioning that not everything can be done in the vault so you’ll often need to send out your dwellers to gather resources and it’s highly recommended that you craft some weapons and equipment for these dwellers before sending them out so they don’t end up dying in the wasteland.
Onto the visuals, Fallout Shelter might not be the brightest or most vibrant game out there in terms of its color palette but it still looks quite nice overall. The textures are extremely well detailed and the visuals have lots of 3D effects as well that make the experience more immersive. One minor issue that we see in the visuals is the fact that the dwellers have 2D design even though most other things are 3D and this takes away from the experience a slight bit.
As for micro-transactions, Fallout Shelter has a variety of micro-transactions through which you can get your hands on in-game resources and currency whenever you fall short.
Overall, Fallout Shelter is an extraordinary building simulation game that fans of the Fallout series will certainly enjoy. However, even if you haven’t played Fallout before, you’ll still find this game to be quite engaging once you get the hang of things.