The Best Apple Games of 2020

Almost all Apple platforms ranging from the iPhone to the Apple TV receive quite a lot of exciting game releases each year and 2020 in particular has been a stellar year for these platforms as there were a whole lot of stellar game releases over the year. We’ve combed through this massive variety of different games and have picked out the list of the best games that were released on each platform this year. Each one of these games is absolutely groundbreaking in its own right and, if you ever get the chance to play any of these games, we highly recommend that you give them a shot.
1: Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact is a game that pretty much revolutionized mobile-based action RPGs as a whole. This is a game that pretty much trumps most other RPGs available on the iPhone because of its massive scale, loads of content and multitudes of other exciting features that the game brings to the table. Mobile-based RPGs have shown a lot of growth over the years and Genshin Impact is pretty much the embodiment of just how far this genre has come on this platform. RPG fans are highly recommended to give this one a shot.
2: Legends of Runeterra
Legends of Runeterra is Riot Games’ attempt at building a high-end CCG and, from our experience, this attempt has been a huge success. This is hands down one of the best games you can play on the iPad currently as it not only features everything that high-end CCGs are known for but comes with various mechanics that help set it apart from the crowd and give the game a unique identity. Whether you’re a CCG fan or simply want a top-tier game to enjoy on your iPad, Legends of Runeterra is worth looking into.
3: Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium is a game for the Mac users out there and it’s a game that we cannot recommend enough. This is an RPG that delivers a thoroughly captivating and immersive experience from the very first second to the last. The game features an extremely well thought out plot, varied gameplay with multitudes of options and features and, on top of all this, it takes place in an expertly designed world that never stops surprising so, overall, it’s definitely a game that can be worth your while if you give it a shot.
4: Dandara Trials of Fear
If you like gaming on your Apple TV from time to time, Dandara Trials of Fear is a game that you simply cannot miss out on under any circumstance. This is an exceptional platformer featuring one of the most creative and unique settings we’ve come across in a while and it pairs this innovative setting with innovative gameplay featuring multitudes of creative mechanics and, on top of all this, it looks stellar as well so it’s pretty much the complete package.
5: Sneaky Sasquatch
There are lots of simple yet thoroughly engaging games on the Apple Arcade but Sneaky Sasquatch is perhaps among the best of its kind. This is a delightful game in which you’ll get to play, as the name suggests, as a sneaky Sasquatch and your goal will be to do the usual day-to-day sasquatch tasks while also remaining hidden and avoiding detection. If you want a light-hearted yet highly enjoyable gameplay experience, this game is the way to go.
Overall, the aforementioned games are no doubt the very best to surface on Apple platforms this year and, needless to say, we urge players to give them a shot if they can.
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