What Do Casual Games Need to Do to Thrive in the Future

Casual games are fun, easy to master with simple rules and short sessions. These are your go-to apps when you want a play a quick one while you’re waiting for someone to arrive or simply just to pass the time. So take a peek at the list of things to consider to make these games thrive in the future.
1. Keeping it simple.
Simplicity is the essence of all casual games. Whether it is the conditions of winning the game or the user control interface, everything should be simple enough that the average gamer can understand what it is about with less than five played levels. But simple doesn’t mean easy as the difficulty increases not to be boring. As you take on higher levels of the game, the traps and obstacles should multiply until it is almost impossible for the player to win. Almost, but winnable. This motivates the players more and makes them work to get past the hurdle and get the win.
2. Instant gameplay
Introduction videos and long-winded storyline clips are not viable when it comes to casual games. Their main trait is to immediately play it after downloading it. There’s no need to force the user to make or register an ID or read a page-long prologue of how things came to be. The process should be: download it, play it, and enjoy it!
3. Stick to the theme.
There is a message which these kinds of apps shout out, and it's how it wants you to feel as you’re playing it. Some are meant for a relaxed, more laid-out gameplay, while others are upbeat heart-racing games. So it is essential to make the visuals and the sound effects match the tempo of what you’re playing. For example, those meant for relaxing, like fishing, should have a calm and serene environment with little to no background music and sound effects, while interactive ones mostly have upbeat arcade rhythms with high-pitched chimes.
4. Choose the right strategy for monetization.
Ads and in-game purchases are what keeps the casual games alive and running. From a user standpoint, it can be a way to get extra coins, diamonds, and other special items, while for a developer, this is what pays the bills. These usually come in-app ads or those shown in the game between rounds, in-app purchases like the exclusive items, and VIP features that remove all ads while playing and promoting other games.
So let us take Cube Crusher, for example, a fantastic casual game that has everything on the list. Once you launch the app, you will then be brought to the starting screen, where you tap on it to begin. The mechanics and the controls are easy to learn and master. With only a few tries, you will see that you need to knock out all the blocks placed on top of the platform to win. You only have a set number of balls, but if you don’t spend it all on one level, it carries over to the next. The visuals and sounds are clean and crisp with a 3D look and an arcade song background. There are available ads but it does not flood you so much to be inconvenient.
All in all, a good mix of those traits mentioned is needed for a casual game to thrive in the future. As long as it keeps the users occupied and having fun without the hassle hardcore games innately have.
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